Midterm Review Answers

Chapter 1 pg. 26

Chapter 2 pg. 60

Chapter 3 pg. 87

  1. 1. a. Because all chemical reactions involve the rearrangement of atoms, mass in neither created nor destroyed in such changes
    b. Atoms of each element have their own characteristic mass, so compounds consisting of atoms always have the same composition by mass.
    c. Only whole atoms combine in chemical compounds, so different compounds between the same two elements must result form the different whole numbers of atoms.
    3. a. the smallest particle of am element that retains the chemical properties of that element
    b. the nucleus and surrounding electrons
    5. Rutherford’s atom has not of the mass concentrated at its center in the nucleus. This model resulted from bombarding gold atoms with positively charged particles. Most of the particles went right through the atom, but some actually bounced back.
    6. the atomic number
    7. a. Atoms of an element that contain the same number of neutrons
    8. isotope pro e- neut
    si-28 14 14 14
    Si-29 14 14 15
    Si-30 14 14 16
    11. a. helium-4
    b. potassium-39
    17. a. 6.94g
    b. 12.01g
    17. a. 1.000 mol
    c. 1.57x10^3 mol
    22. b. 6.05 g
    23. b. 1.50X10^23 atoms
    28. 0.500 mol

Chapter 4 pg.118

  1. 3. Frequencies range from 5 x 1014 to 1 x 1015 Hz
    Wavelengths range from 400 to 700 nm
    4. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet
    6.a. Velocity = Wavelength x Frequency
    b. Energy = Planck’s Constant x Frequency
    c. Energy = (Planck’s Constant x Velocity) / Wavelength
    7.a. Wave theory
    b. Particle theory
    c. Particle theory
    7. Ground State- atom’s lowest energy state
    Excited State- any energy state that is higher in energy than the atom’s ground state
    13. a. 1; s
    b. 2; s and p
    c. 3; s, p and d
    d. 14; s, p, d, and f
    e. 7
    17. a. 2
    b. 18
    c. 32
    d. theoretically 72, but it does not seem to hold more than 32
    e. theoretically 98, but it does not seem to hold more than 32
    22. a. First main energy level (n=1)
    b. Second main energy level (n=2)
    c. Third energy level (n=3)
    d. Fourth energy level (n=4)
    e. Fifth energy level (n=5)
    23.a. &Mac221;&Mac223; &Mac221;&Mac223; &Mac221;&Mac223; &Mac221;&Mac223;&Mac221;&Mac223;
    1s 2s 2px 2py 2pz
    . &Mac221;&Mac223; &Mac221; &Mac221; &Mac221;
    3s 3px 3py 3pz
    b. &Mac221;&Mac223; &Mac221;&Mac223; &Mac221; &Mac221; &Mac221; .
    1s 2s 2px 2py 2pz

    c. &Mac221;&Mac223; &Mac221;&Mac223; &Mac221;&Mac223; &Mac221;&Mac223;&Mac221;&Mac223;
    1s 2s 2px 2py 2pz
    &Mac221; .
    d. &Mac221;&Mac223; &Mac221;&Mac223; &Mac221;&Mac223; &Mac221; &Mac221; .
    1s 2s 2px 2py 2pz

    24.a. 1s22s1
    b. 1s22s22p2
    c. 1s22s22p4
    d. 1s22s22p63s23p6
    31. 7.0 x 1016 Hz
    32. 2.35 x 10-16 J
    Chapter 17 p. 514
    1. 0.069J/(g&Mac183;K)
    2. 329K
    p. 548
    16. 3.6 x 103 J
    17. 563K

Chapter 22 p.723

Chapter 5 P. 155-157

Ch 6 pg. 194

More Answers:

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 17

Chapter 22