Unit V - Phases of Matter

Unit 5A

Chapter 10 Physical Characteristics of Gases pp.303-325

1. Read and Outline Ch. 10 pp 303-321, include Table 10-1 p. 311, fig. 10-7& 10-9. Do all practice problems in your spiral along with the outline.

2. On a separate piece of paper in HW/CW section do the Section Review p.306 #1-4, 312: 1-4

3. After all laws covered do Section Review on p.325

4. HW #1 Problems p. 327-328 # 16,18, 19, 20

5. HW # 2 Problems P. 328 #21-37

6. Dalton's Law Problems p. 329 # 39-43

7. Mixed Review p.329 #44-50

8. Click here for answers to book problems above.

9. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/zero/matter.html

Vacuum pump, boil water at RT, expand marshmallows and shaving cream and balloons.

Lab Activities with vacuum pump, dry ice and balloons. Lab report on Gas Law activities (click here for instructions)
2 graphs from the Boyles Law Demo. First graph, plot V vs P (or vice versa) on reverse side of paper plot 1/V vs P click here for data

WEBSITE: http://www.dlt.ncssm.edu/TIGER/



From BHS intranet practice with SAS in schools:

1. double click on SAS
2. Click on Science
3. Visual ChemLib
4. Gas Laws
5. Main Menu
6. Hands on Activity
work the activities for PV, VT,PT and V Qt

5 B -

Chapter 11 Molecular Composition of Gases pp. 332-355

HW. #1: Outline Chapter 11 pp333-346, read figures 11-1,2,3,4 copy Table 11-1. Do Practice problems p. 343, 344, 345, 346

HW #2: Finish calculating R for kPa and mmHg. Study packet from Chapter 11 and do problems on pp. 357 on Ideal Gas Law # 16, 17, 18 click here for answers

HW #3: Molar volume and gas density, then p. 357 #9, 10, 11, 12,13,14,15 all the a & b if time allows do the rest of each. click here for answers

HW #4:Outline rest of Chapter 11 pp347-354, and Practice problems p. 348, 349, 350, 355. Problems on Stoichiometry p 358: 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 31,34, Effusion and Diffusion # 39 and 41, Mixed Review p. 359 45, 47, 48 50 click here for answers.

M. Vol. & Density ws and the 2 I.G.L. WS click here for answers

NOTE: worksheet corrections
1. Gas Laws- Molecular Composition of Gases Molecular composition(answers)
#6 The reaction between ammonia and oxygen yields nitrogen monoxide and water. This question is like the webassign #9.
#7 the answer for moles is .0139 mole H2
#11 The answer I get is 6230 g/mol.
2.Molecular Composition of Gases worksheet (most of these vol-vol just use the ratio).
Vol.-Vol #4 b. answersould be 7.5 L
mass- vol #2 44.5 L
Ideal gas Law a.0.431 L

Determine the molar mass of Butane. Butane Lab Lab report will include %error.
The reaction of a metal with HCl Mg and HCL NOTE: data for Mg + HCl lab report, use .086 g for Mg, 85.6 ml wet gas, 750 mm Hg and 21 C for water and 24 for air unless you got your own data.
Reports: Title, purpose, include any equations (draw the exchange of electrons and label oxidation or reduction) or reactions, calculation include % error using calculated MM and actual MM (butane lab only)

Try this SAS site on the BHS intranet for more understanding of gas laws:

From BHS intranet practice with SAS in schools:

1. double click on SAS
2. Click on Science
3. Visual ChemLib
4. Gas Laws
5. Main Menu
6. Hands on Activity
work the activities for PV, VT,PT and V
