Academic Chemistry Unit 6 Bonding: Covalent, Ionic and IMF

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HOMEWORK IS DUE at the beginning of class.
ABSENTEES: homework due first day back.
TESTS: make ups may be different.

Handouts Unit 6 Covalent

Handouts Unit  5 Ions and Ionic cpds

Handouts etc Unit 4

Handouts Unit 3

Handouts unit 2

NOTE:  Help sessions with me on Tues., room 162;  Dr. Hernandez room 164 Thursday 2:30-3:00 and Ms. Brown before school on Weds from 6:30- 7:20.  Also,  the WELL has tutors for free and the students can sign up to meet with a tutor, often a student from Broughton or from NCSU.


Mar. 3, 2014

  1. I will fix your graph grades in powerschools on Monday, check for any other mistakes please
  2. Checking Nuclear worksheet with reactions and fill in blanks and half life problems
  3. Checking ws with % C, EF and MF
  4. POGIL on EF and MF
  5. If time, video on Chemical Reactions:
  6. Start CH. 8 Chemical Equations and Reactions pp 259-266 and Balancing Equations p 267-271
  7. Try: (Website practice for balancing:
  1. Finish % composition problems,EF and MF and half life word problems from Nuclear ws
  2. maybe a new WA
  3. Next test will cover CH. 7 and 1st part of CH. 8 Chemical Equations and Reactions pp 259-266 and Balancing Equations p 267-271, could be Mar. 11

Feb. 27, 2014

  1. Collecting IMF Lab that was finished in last class
  2. Checking Nuclear worksheet with reactions and fill in blanks
  3. Quiz and review of Radioactive particles and Nuclear reactions
  4. Half life activity with a graph is due today
  5. Notes and worksheet with half life
  6. WA Nuclear
  7. Start % Composition
  1. Finish % composition problems,EF and MF and half life word problems from Nuclear ws
  2. Finish WAs
  3. Read and review The Mole on  223-233; Try section review on p. 233 #2, 5, 6c,7b and 8c, 9b ,10c. 13 b
  4. Skip 234-235
  5. Do sample problem on p. 239 and 247
  6. Formulas and % C pp241- 243
  7. Empirical and Molecular Formulas pp 244-245
  8.  new information on %C -only pp.
answers to section review
2. 6.02e23,  5. more,  6c.1.5 e25 nionsK+,  7b.  7.23 e24 ions Na+      8c 0.09316 mol Na+

Feb. 25, 2014

  1. Collecting IMF Lab that was finished in last classChecking Nuclear worksheet with reactions and fill in blanks
  2. Quiz and review of Radioactive particles and Nuclear reactions
  3. Half life activity with a graph
  4. Notes and worksheet with half life
  1. Finish one side of Nuclear worksheet with the nuclear reactions and the side with fill in from word bank
  2. Reextended 5 Webassigns DO THEM NOW PLEASE!!
  3. Watch all Radioactivity websites, take notes to bring to next class for 5 pts
  1. Easiest 3 types - watch 1st then 4 forces;
  2. Bozeman 4 Forces for nuclear reactions 14 min:
  3. Radiative decay Bozeman-
  4. 3 types 1 min
Read and Outline  Ch. 18 on Nuclear Chemistry pp.641-647
  1. Radioactive Decay
  2. Half life Bozeman:
  3. Book Ch. 18 Half LIfe and Radioactive Decay: pp. 658-663

Feb. 21, 2014

  1. Collecting any 2 worksheets with shapes, angles, hybridization, Polarity and the Lab on "Force to be reckoned" and IMF POGIL and/or Molecular naming late 2.5 pts each
  2. Finishing IMF Lab
  3. Starting Nuclear with Demos and Notes on Nuclear and Nuclear reactions with Alpha and beta particles - be prepared for a quiz next class
  1. Study for Nuclear and Nuclear reactions with Alpha and beta particles - be prepared for a QUIZ next class
  2. Finish one side of Nuclear worksheet with the nuclear reactions and the side with fill in from word bank
  3. Reextended 5 Webassigns DO THEM NOW PLEASE!!
  4. Watch all Radioactivity websites, take notes to bring to next class for 5 pts
  1. Easiest 3 types - watch 1st then 4 forces;
  2. Bozeman 4 Forces for nuclear reactions 14 min:
  3. Radiative decay Bozeman-
  4. 3 types 1 min
Read and Outline  Ch. 18 on Nuclear Chemistry pp.641-647
  1. Now: Radioactive Decay

Feb. 19, 2014

  1. Collecting any 2 worksheets with shapes, angles, hybridization, Polarity and the Lab on "Force to be reckoned" and IMF POGIL and/or Molecular naming 5 pts each
  2. Review Ch. 6 and 11-Test study guide with key
  3. Key to short notes on IMF ws
  4. Key to concept maps for bonding and IMF
  5. Key to worksheet with electron dots for ionic and covalent compounds and ions received Feb. 17
  6. Review day for Ch. 6 and some of Ch. 11 (pp.385-392 - IMF) for Test on Weds. Feb. 19
    1. Discuss Milk and today's Demo on Magic Sand - mostly need to understand that the magic sand was Polar so it repelled water leaving air pockets around it.  Milk moves due to attractive forces and repulsive forces between polar water, sugars, salts and fats in the whole milk and that the polar substances attracted each other and the nonpolar attracted each other repelling the opposite types of molecules.
    2. Finish Lab on "Force to be reckoned with" - need to do
    3. Study for test the POGIL on IMF - finished last class, bring to turn in for 5 pts
    4. Test Review Study guide ws -  Test study guide with key
    5. reference for determining highest or lowest boiling point
  1. 2 Webassigns (1) moleclar naming (will be on test) - due Feb. 18 (extend if you forgot to do this - you have one day) and (2) IMF, Mol. Geo review for test - due Feb. 18
  2. Watch the first 3 Radioactivity websites, take notes to bring to next class for 5 pts
  1. Easiest 3 types - watch 1st then 4 forces;
  2. Bozeman 4 Forces for nuclear reactions 14 min:
  3. Radiative decay Bozeman-
  4. 3 types 1 min
Read and Outline  Ch. 18 on Nuclear Chemistry pp.641-647
  1. Later: Radioactive Decay
Feb. 17, 2014

  1. Completed POGIL on IMF
  2. Checking 2 worksheets on electron dots, which now should have shapes, angles and hybridization if you watched the video
  3. return quizzes on Molecular Geometry with Polarity (still cannot find- I will look again)
  4. Review day for Ch. 6 and some of Ch. 11 (pp.385-392 - IMF) for Test on Weds. Feb. 19
    1. Discuss Milk and today's Demo on Magic Sand
    2. Finish Lab on "Force to be reckoned with" - did not discuss today - can on test day - Feb. 19
    3. POGIL on IMF
    4. Review ws
    5. reference for determining highest or lowest boiling point
  1. 2 Webassigns (1) moleclar naming (will be on test) - due Feb. 18 and (2) IMF, Mol. Geo review for test - due Feb. 18
  2. Study for test on Ch. 6 Covalent Bonding, Naming (study the POGIL on Naming Covalent compounds) and some of Ch. 11 (pp.385-392 - IMF)
  3. All worksheets on bonding and molecular naming
  4. Watch for review
    1. 1st video (9min) Dipole Dipole Bozeman:
    2. 2nd video IMF Bozeman:
  5. For test you can select practice quizzes:

  1. Review Ch. 6 and 11-Test study guide with key
  2. Key to short notes on IMF ws
  3. Key to concept maps for bonding and IMF
  4. Key to worksheet with electron dots for ionic and covalent compounds and ions received Feb. 17
  5. Review day for Ch. 6 and some of Ch. 11 (pp.385-392 - IMF) for Test
  6. Did not Discuss Milk and today's Demo on Magic Sand - mostly need to understand that the magic sand was Polar so it repelled water leaving air pockets around it.  Milk moves due to attractive forces and repulsive forces between polar water, sugars, salts and fats in the whole milk and that the polar substances attracted each other and the nonpolar attracted each other repelling the opposite types of molecules.
  1. Next Unit Ch. 18 on Nuclear Chemistry pp.641-647
Feb. 10, 2014

  1. Checking 2 worksheets on electron dots, which now should have shapes, angles and hybridization if you watched the video
  2. return quizzes on Molecular Geometry with Polarity
  3. Start IMF Intermolecular Forces - Polarity and IMF ppt
  4. and use the imf arrow on the back of the molecular geometry reference paper
  5. and maybe the longer - IMF short ppt
  6. Discuss Milk and today's Demo on Magic Sand
  7. Watch
    1. 1st video (9min) Dipole Dipole Bozeman:
    2. 2nd video IMF Bozeman:
  1. Worksheet in IMF and a webassign on IMF due Feb. 20 now available
  2. WE have now covered all of Ch. 6, Feb. 12 review, Feb. 14 Test
  3. Review old Bonding notes_ Bonding Notes for Lecture
  4. Review ppt for test next week probably Friday Feb. 14. Bonding andn IMF PPT
  5. Keys to 3 worksheets:
    1. bonding ws II - first one on molecular geometry with 2 molecules with resonance: Sulfur dioxide Ozone.
    2. molecular models ws
    3. Molecular geometry inquiry tables: resonance with Nitrate and Sulfur trioxide and one exception to the octest rule with Boron Trichloride - Boron can form a compound with only 6 electrons around it.  Also, be sure you know how to notate ions like hydronium
Feb. 6, 2014

  1. Checking 2 worksheets on electron dots, which now should have shapes, angles and hybridization if you watched the video clips on shapes and hybridization from last class' homework
  2. Quiz on Molecular Geometry with shapes, angle, hybridization and polarity
  3. next class work more with polarity and new for you intermoleclar forces
  1. Bozeman video 7 min. Covalent
Feb. 4, 2014

  1. Checking 2 worksheets on electron dots, which now should have shapes, angles and hybridization if you watched the video clips on shapes and hybridization from last class' homework
  2. Review Molecular geometry with shapes,  angles and hybridization

  1. Bozeman video 7 min. Covalent
  2. Watch 
    1. Videos includes VSEPR: only study the first 2 sets not the last 2 sets
    2. Hybridization:
Jan. 30, 2014


  1. Checking 2 worksheets on electron dots, which now should have shapes, angles and hybridization if you watched the video clips on shapes and hybridization from nlast class' homework
  2. Review Molecular Geometry POGIL including shapes, angles and hybridization
  3. Review Book notes pp189-202 includes: Sharing ELectrons, Molecular Orbitals,  Energy and Stability (Bond Energy and Bond Length), Electronegativity Difference = Polar and Nonpolar Covalent bonds
  4. Covalent Bozeman video 7 min.
  5. Bond Energy and Bond Length (p. 192) Bozeman 7 min.:
  6. New worksheet on molecular geometry for more practice
  7. New information and notes: multiple bonds and polyatomic ions pp. 203-205
  8. Depending on time: POGIL on Molecular Naming from pp.207, you will need to memorize the  Greek  prefixes
  9. Video includes VSEPR: only study the first 2 sets not the last 2 sets
    2. Hybridization:
    3.  practice quizzes:
  1. Bozeman video 7 min. Covalent
  2. Read and outline Ch. 6 pp. 203-205
  3. Webassign  now available on Molecular Geometry
  4. Be sure all molecules or ions have shapes, angles and hybridization
  5. if we start POGIL on Molecular Naming, you will need to finish andn aread over p. 206-207
Jan. 27, 2014


  1. Review electron dot formulas
  2. Felt and Pom Pom electron dot molecules
  3. Molecular Geometry POGIL
  1. Read and outline Ch. 6 pp. 208-211 Molecular Geometry (Molecular Shapes) no naming  yet.  Do not worry about ions yet, next class.
  2. Webassign  now available on Molecular Geometry
  3. Finish all questions from Molecular Geometry POGIL
  4. Go back to the 2 worksheets you have and label the shapes in pencil so we can go over them in next class.
  5. Watch
    1. Review Geometry and Polarity with
    2. New for you - Hybridization:
    3.  practice quizzes:
Jan. 23, 2014


  1.  Ionic Test Jan. 23, 2014
  2. Review website on IOn formation, do not read the part about Covalent just yet.
  3. I will be after school on Weds. to help you if you need, especially if you missed Friday's class with the Ch. 5 test review ws
  1. Read and outline Ch. 6 pp.189-202 Starting Covalent Bonding and then Naming
  2. Webassign  soon
    1. 2 Worksheets
      1. 1st worksheet on front omit 1 and 4 then only do  back 1-5
      1. 2nd worksheet omit 4,6,8,10,11,12,14,15, we will work on the omitted ones in next class with an electron dot activity 
Next sections of Ch. 6
Starting Intermolecular Forces - Twig on IMF
Bozeman on Polarity:
  1. Old: 1st video (9min) Dipole Dipole Bozeman:
  2. Old: 2nd video IMF Bozeman:
good review and includes polar and nonpolar bonds  -

Notes on Multiple bonds and Ions pp.204-205 - these are the ones we omitted in last class i. e. Ozone